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Verona, Italy


Residential - Condominium 

Total Remodel 

32,000 sq.ft. - 3M €



The 3,000 square meter apartment is at the ‘Piano Nobile' of the 1930s grand Post and Telegraph building in the historic city center converted into luxury condominiums. 

The building which has a partial restriction by the Department of Historic Buildings and Sites, features a monumental postal hall, high ceilings, and tall windows. The client acquired three large units that were joined to form a single residence. 

The plan layout responds to the client's need for a formal residence for entertaining and separation of public and private spaces. All areas are connected by a continuous circulation corridor. 

The unit if needed can be divided into three individual units, each one could be accessed at three different points and can function independently. 

All main rooms have access to natural light through windows facing the street or the building's courtyards.

The design choice of a classic traditional style and materials reflect the extant architectural elements in the building. The high level of detail in the project drawings enabled a precise outcome which includes custom cut hardwood and water jet marble floors, and wood and stucco paneling and millwork.

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